

3.求一篇英文的羽毛球的介绍,50词左右。 在线等,急!


5.羽毛球专业术语中英文对照表 Terms of Badminton


羽毛球规则介绍 英语_羽毛球的规则英文介绍怎么写

Badminton is a racquet sport played by either two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles). The players or pairs take positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court that is divided by a net.

Unlike many racket sports, badminton does not use a ball: badminton uses a feathered projectile known as a shuttlecock. Since the shuttlecock is strongly affected by wind, competitive badminton is always played indoors.

General Description

The players strike the shuttlecock with their rackets so that it passes over the net and into the opponents' half of the court. The rally ends once the shuttlecock touches the ground: every stroke must be played as a volley. In doubles, either player of a pair may hit the shuttlecock (except on service), but only a single stroke is allowed before the shuttle passes again into the opponents' court (unlike volleyball). Players are awarded a point if the shuttlecock lands on or within the marked boundary of their opponents' court, or if their opponent's stroke fails to pass the net or lands outside the court boundary.

A rally begins with the service, in which the serving player must strike the shuttlecock so that, if left, it would land in the diagonally opposite service court. In doubles, only one player, the receiver, may return the service (thereafter either player may hit the shuttlecock); the order of doubles service is determined by the Laws, which ensure that all the players shall serve and receive in turn. If the server wins the rally, he will continue serving; if he loses the rally, the serve will pass to his opponent. In either case, the winner will add a point to his score.

A match consists of three games; to win each game players must score 21 points (exceptions noted below). There are five events: men's singles, women's singles, men's doubles, women's doubles, and mixed doubles (each pair is a man and a woman).


The birth of modern badminton in the United Kingdom. 1873, Glasgow in the United Kingdom badminton County town have a name of the Duke of鲍弗特, in the manor had a "Po the game" show. Very interesting result of this activity soon came popular. Since then, the indoor game quickly spread throughout the United Kingdom, "badminton" (Badminton) Badminton became the name in English.

In 1877, the first badminton competition of the rules published in the United Kingdom.

In 1893 in the United Kingdom established the world's first Badminton Association. In 1899, the Association organized the first "All-England Badminton Championships", an annual event, has followed so far.

Badminton from Scandinavia to the British Commonwealth countries, the early 20th century, spread to Asia, the Americas, Oceania, and finally spread to Africa.

1934, set up the International Badminton Federation, with headquarters in London.

International Badminton Federation in 1939 adopted by Member States to abide by the "rules of badminton competition."

20 era of this century to the 40's Badminton Europe and the United States has developed rapidly, including the United Kingdom of Denmark, USA and Canada a very high level. 50's rapid development in the Asian Badminton, Malaysia Thomas Cup champion made two. At the same time, the Indonesian team in the technology and innovation play a dominant position soon. The sixties after the development of badminton in Asia gradually be extended.

May 1981 International Badminton Federation to resume China's legitimate seat in the IBF, then the international badminton open a new page in history, entered the Chinese badminton players rule the roost of the glorious era of the world.

At the 1988 Seoul Olympics, badminton was listed as performances, the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games as an official event. Since then the game has entered a new period of development.

In 2006, in the trial of 3 months after the new rules of badminton into effect. In that year, Tom, first of all, the use of race尤杯.

At present, hosted by the IBF World Badminton important are:

1. Thomas Cup

The world men's team badminton championships, held in 1948 the first game, is for a two-year term, held in even-numbered years. The competition, organized by three singles, two doubles component.

2. Uber Cup

The world women's team badminton championships, held in 1956 the first game, the next two years, held in even-numbered years. The competition, organized by three singles, two doubles component.

3. World Badminton Championships

That is, the world's badminton individual championships. With men's and women's singles, five doubles and mixed doubles events. Starting in 1977 for the next three years, 1983 years to two years in odd-numbered years.

4. Sudirman Cup

That is, the world mixed team badminton. Launched in 1989, two-year term, held in odd-numbered years, by men and women's singles match, composed of men and women's doubles.

5. Badminton World Cup

Competitions are invited by the International Badminton Federation was invited to participate in outstanding players. Established in 1981, 1997, IBF has decided to host the 1998 world will be changed to clip took part in the All-Star Game, and was ready to try the huge prize money badminton Grand Slam.

6. All England Badminton Championships

Badminton Association of England, founded in 1899. It is the history of the world's oldest badminton tournament. Originally from the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries took part, and now has become a global battle of badminton.

7. International Grand Prix Series

IBF light of the world to organize a Grand Prix tennis. Began in 1983. Competition is divided into a number of areas, organized into a number of game series. According to athletes at all competition results in the points ranking, carried out before the final 16.

China's badminton sport Overview

About modern badminton movement into China in 1910, first in Shanghai and then in Guangzhou, Tianjin, Beijing, Chengdu and other cities of the Young Men's Christian Association and has been carried out in schools. After new China was founded, the party and the is concerned about people's health, sports development has been booming, badminton movement gradually favorite for the masses, and as China's focus on one of the items. In Tianjin in 1953, a national competition held for the first time, there were only five teams took part in 19.

In 1954, after another batch of the pure return to the motherland, and brought back to the advanced technology of badminton, at the same time the formation of the National Team. Then along the southeast coast of China in some major cities have also set up to returned overseas Chinese youth as the backbone of the badminton team, in "eradicating superstitions, to emancipate the mind, to go its own way", under the guidance of the idea, summed up China's badminton players at home and abroad Badminton lessons learned and technical information, combined with their own practice to explore movement, the continuous improvement of training methods. Among them, the major sports teams in Fujian Province, the way in technology, the Guangdong team carried out mainly in the step of reform and breakthroughs. At the same time learn from China's successful experience in the sport, and through years of training and competitions on the practice experience, put forward a "we take the initiative, mainly in fast to attack the main" active play. Later, summing up, after constant and perfect, and gradually formed a campaign held by the Chinese badminton "fast, tough, quasi-live" technical style. Yong of China's athletes with a world badminton climbing technical peaks, to win glory for the country's ambition, to learn some of the foreign advanced sports training methods,勤学苦练, conscientiously implement the "from the difficult, strict, from the actual starting , for a training exercise, "" three from a large "training approach, the technical level of movement has been further improved.

However, due to political reasons, China did not join the IBF at the time, it did not participate in the world championships. However, in international relations to each other several times and then carried out between the world team, have achieved excellent results. By many outside the AT & T as "无冕之王" "Champion of Champions" and so on.

Until May 1981, IBF IBF China resumed its legitimate seat of China's athletes to achieve long-cherished wish for many years --- the world badminton chase the deer, for the world crown, won glory for the country.

July 1981, at the 1st session of the World Games (Los Angeles), our athletes Chen Changjie,孙志安, Yao Ming, Liu Xia and Zhang Ai-ling won the men and women, single, 4 doubles titles. In 1982, the first time in our country participated in the All-England badminton competition, won the women's singles champion Zhang Ai-ling, Xu Rong /吴健秋won the women's doubles champion, won the men's singles twin champion Jin. That same year, the first time the Chinese team, "Thomas Cup" tournament, the first day of 1:3 in a very adverse circumstances, worked hard, and ultimately to 5:4 victory over strong Indonesian badminton team championship. In , in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, China's badminton team also won the 10th "Uber."

Followed by China's Yang Yang has emerged, Zhao Jianhua, Xiong David, Li,田秉义and Lin Ying, Wu迪茜, Li Lingwei,韩爱萍number of the world's top badminton players, which further established the technological level of China's badminton feather in the world the basis of leading the altar in a series of World Series for the motherland, a large number of gold medals won, the creation of the history of the Chinese badminton glory. Into the 90's, with Yang Yang, Zhao Jianhua, Li Lingwei number of elite athletes have retired, my temporary period of a temporary shortage of such people, and Indonesia has been refined over the years Tuzhi calendar, the emergence of a group of Adi, Susi Susanti represented by the rookie. Re-emergence of Europe, Korea, Malaysia, the emergence of sometimes new, the world badminton entered the era of rival warlords.

In the Barcelona Olympic Games, China's badminton gold medal even with no chance. Gradually until 1995 out of the bottom, the first time, won the "Cup." In 1996, the Olympic Games in Atlanta, Ge Fei /顾俊勇capture the women's doubles champion, the realization of projects in China in the Olympic Games badminton medal. In 1997, China's athletes again won the "Cup", at the same time won the World Championships women's singles, 3 doubles and mixed doubles gold medal, began the journey into the再铸辉煌.

Singles match play is based on technical characteristics of the individual, physical, psychological conditions, such as the formation of the quality of the technology game, frequently asked about the following five:

1, control the field and pressure at the end of golf

From the outset, the use of Gaoyuan serve the ball or offensive pressure the other side of the Ping golf game after the bottom line, forcing the other back, when the other side back to the time after the ball enough to smash the ball to win; or neglect when the other person defensive front, it can be light hanging, chopping, etc. drop in net beat. Light hanging in a number of lofty goals to be strong down the field and the other party was unable to return to play up front basis. This game is mainly the field strength and the high, suspended, between two technologies. For beginners, this is a foundation of learning must play.

2, beat four-corner, combined with high short

In the latter field, to lofty goals, drop ping golf and, in the former market place while net ball, the ball and pick up the ball and accurately attack the other sites around the four corners, running around before and after mobilization of the other side to strike a balance, to be too late to return to the center of the other party or to the poor quality of the ball when the free part of their attack to win. Requirements of the offensive players this game has a strong ability to control the ball placement and the flexibility and fast footwork, and speed, otherwise it can hardly have the upper hand.

3, mainly under the pressure to control the net

After the market, mainly through the lofty goal, smash, slash at smb, lob such as technology, pre-emptive strike, and then rapid access to twist, push, head, hook, such as technology, high net control, resulting in errors in the other party directly, or passive-off hit network, was the offensive player to beat a game in one fell swoop. Usually referred to as the "kill-line" game. This is the offensive play of the game, to quickly access high net control, speed endurance and strength endurance is also higher. This play, a greater physical exertion, if the opponent hit a good defensive skills, physical strength on the success or failure are often the key factor.

4, fast pull hoist fast, before and after the combination of

Ping golf to pressure the other side soon after the two bottom corner the market, with fast corners hanging net (or the use of slash at smb) cited other Internet, when other passive net ball back, that control the net quickly access to the net twist, hook combination of pushing the ball field and the bottom line corners, forcing struggling with each other for the front and killed during and after the creation of market opportunities vigorously smash. This is also a pro-active, fast attack play. This game demands good physical fitness athletes, especially endurance than speed, all-round skilled, but also possess the technical expertise of surprise attack.

5, Shouzhong counterattack, both offensive and defensive strategies

Ping Golf and faster to hit lob to the four corners around each other in order to mobilize the other side. Let the other side to attack, to fight against the offensive side of the lofty goals, the Quartet ball, lob, etc., to strengthen the defense to step fast and flexible, changing and tricky球路accurate placement, to induce each other in a hurry to attack mobile , just smash, resulting in hitting errors, or when the ball back to the other side of poor quality, seize aircraft, surprise attack. Requirements of this game with attacking players in the Shou, Shou-in point and counter-attack the ball, not only should have good speed endurance, footwork and flexible, rapid response and accurate ability to judge and should have indomitable fighting spirit and mental qualities, in order to passive in the face of adversity and to maintain calm and cool-headed orange, and struck back.

Han Jian of China's badminton players that is typical of this game.

(B) than playing the game the type of

Doubles play is based on the skill level of the two sides, the quality of physical and psychological characteristics, as well as with partners, through the formation of long-term training. Common to the following three:

1, before and after the game stations

Basically, this game is the side used in the service. Members serve more stations. When the players tee shot give immediately after the closure before the court, another player will be responsible for or after the midfielder to the ball game all. Stations before and after the law may make full use of fast pressure net twist, hang, push, head technology, looking for gaps to disrupt the other stations in one fell swoop; or through前扑after attack, after the market for strong smash, active front closure When back to the ball near the net, to give a fatal blow in one fell swoop.

2, play around stations

Basically, this side of the game in the return of serve and by the state under the pressure used to attack. Call the other side of the flat serve or golf at the field before the ball from the original stations immediately before and after the conversion station for about two to about half the charge of the defensive zone to draw level, level pressure field and the other living The bottom line corners, in each other when they can smash the ball to draw back or ping the ball to two挑高far bottom corner, causing the ball to the other side can not afford, or lob smash success in one fell swoop.

3, rotary stations play

In the game, both offensive and defensive game situations are always under the constant before and after the stations in and around stations transform each other. For the transformation stations generally have the following characteristics:

(1), when the service or return of serve before and after the stations. When the other side fought back after the golf game to the side of the offensive side, the team is located in front of a straight line back to the rear to see the situation of members of the Mobile Side, about a switch stations.

(2), serve or receive service at a station about parallel. In service or in the course of the ball, if there is a chance to attack under pressure, a player would be fast Internet blocking and the other fast-moving vigorously to buckle after the field, hanging, killing the ball, leading to the other side in a passive status


Badminton's origin have different opinions, the main argument of the following:

1, originated in Japan

According to legend, badminton first appeared in the 14-15 century in Japan, is a wooden racket, the ball is made with a cherry stuck feathers. This ball is the cherry as the shuttle, too, the ball flying too fast, so the ball can easily damage the feathers, plus the cost of the ball too high, it is fashionable for a while on the campaign slowly disappeared.

Second, in India

Approximately to the 18th century, India was the emergence of a universal and very similar to the early Japanese badminton game, the ball is about 6 cm in diameter cardboard circle, the middle plug badminton made (similar to our shuttlecock), the board is Wood, the play is both relative standing and holding a wooden bat back and forth.

3, was born in the United Kingdom

The birth of modern badminton in the United Kingdom, about 1800 or so, derived from the tennis. We noted that there are badminton and tennis venues are still very similar. In 1870, appeared with feathers, cork ball and do wear the racket strings. In 1873, the British Duke Baofu Te Bloomington in the county town of Glasgow estate had a badminton game show. Since then, badminton will be gradually unfolded, "Bloomington" which became the name of badminton, the English wording is "Badminton". At the time venues are gourd-shaped, two middle narrow width, narrow office hanging net, until 1901, only converted to rectangular.

In 1875, the world's first badminton rules of the game appeared in India, Pune. Three years later, the United Kingdom has designated more complete and uniform rules, the rules were too many changes of the content has yet to come.

In 1893, the world's first --- Badminton Badminton Association of England was established and organized in 1899 All England Badminton Championships.

1934, from Canada, Denmark, Britain, France, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Scotland and Wales and other countries launched the International Badminton Federation, based in London. Since then, increasing international competition badminton.

1934-1947, Denmark, the United States, Britain, Canada, Europe and the United States in the international badminton players rule the roost.

In 1948-1949 held the first World Badminton Championships Men - "Thomas Cup" race, the Malayan team won the championship, thus opening up an international badminton Asians dominating the era. In the 1948-1979 years of the 11th Thomas Cup, Indonesia won seven championships, won four championships in Malaysia. Early 60s, the Chinese team came from behind in 1963, the year 19, the Indonesian team beat the world champion, victory in 1965, then the Nordic Zhu Qiang, known as "Wumianzhiwang" (because at that time China did not join the International Badminton Federation, can not participate in world championships) .

Women's World Badminton Championships --- "Uber Cup" competition held in 1956, the first 3 sessions were the Americans won the championship. From the late 60s, the advantage shifted to Asia, Japan and Indonesia teams swept the championship the previous race.

Since the 70's, men's badminton technology is leading the Indonesian team and the Chinese team. China first participated in the 1982 Thomas Cup team won the championship on. Chinese team's technology by the general praised the world badminton. The late 70s, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, Thailand, Malaysia and other countries and regions, badminton technology has made great strides in the international competition to obtain good results. Europe, Denmark, England, Sweden and other countries on the basis of the characteristics of the original play, draw extensively on the Asian technology and experience, technology steadily improved, still after all badminton crack. Women, it can be said that China, Indonesia, Japan, three-horse race. 1982, the Chinese team for the first time to participate in the All-England Championships, which won the women's singles finals and doubles champion. To the late 80s, Malaysia, South Korea has made great strides, has won the International Badminton Championship in men's team champion, doubles champion. Women, China, Indonesia continues to stay ahead of South Korea women's team to catch up to the Chinese team this year, Indonesia's main rival team.

February 1978, the World Badminton Federation was established in Hong Kong. May 1981, the International Badminton Federation and the World Badminton Federation official merger.

At present, the IBF already has more than 100 Member States. IBF world under the jurisdiction of competition are: Thomas Cup (world men's team championship), since 1948, held once every 3 years ( to held every two years); Uber Cup (World Women's Team Championship), in 1956, held once every 3 years ( to held every two years); World Championships (individual events), since 1977; All-England Championships (informal traditional one-way race), As early as 1899 started an annual event.


















求一篇英文的羽毛球的介绍,50词左右。 在线等,急!

Badminton is a ball across the net, using long-handled racket hit flat mesh side bar by a circle of feathers, cork hemisphere-shaped indoor sports. Based on the number of participants can be divided into singles and doubles. Compared to the similar nature of tennis, badminton players of the physical requirements of the not very high, but more meticulous and endurance, very suitable for Asian development. Since 1992, badminton become an Olympic Games.

Badminton was in the UK. 1873, in Glasgow, the county town of Bloomington man named Bao Fute Duke, in his territory to open the garden party, a few came back from India to brief retired military officers to a beat to fight back with every net playing shuttlecock game, people have had a great interest. A result of the activities and fun, and soon popular in high society socializing off the field. "Bloomington" (Badminton) Badminton become the English name. 1893, 14 British Badminton Association Badminton clubs.


现代羽毛球运动诞生在英国。1873年,在英国格拉斯哥郡的伯明顿镇有一位叫鲍弗特的公爵, 在他的领地开游园会,有几个从印度回来的退役军官就向大家介绍了一种隔网用拍子来回击打毽球的游戏,人们对此产生了很大的兴趣。因这项活动极富趣味性,很快就在上层社会社交场上风行开来。“伯明顿”(Badminton)即成为英文羽毛球的名字。1893年,英国14个羽毛球俱乐部组成羽毛球协会。


The Badminton that we know of today was begun in England. In 1873, the Englishman Beaufort from a town called Badminton discovered the game by chance; which explained why the game was named Badminton.

The Badminton court is rectangular in shape, marked with various 4mm width lines, the centre of the court is a net at 1.55 meters height. The full length of the court is 13.4 meters, the width for a doubles game is 6.10 meters while for singles play is 5.18 meters.

In singles play, there are two boundary lines at each side, the inner line of the boundary line is meant for the singles game. At the back of the court of each side, there are two lines; the outer line is the singles play boundary line.

If the server stands in the left service court, he/she has to make sure the shuttlecock reach the opponents’ right service court. Should the shuttlecock failed to pass over the short service line on the opponents’ court, the shuttlecock pass over the back boundary line, or the shuttlecock fall into the wrong side of court, the service will count as a fault. Likewise, if the shuttlecock failed to pass over the net will also be considered a fault. Besides, the shuttlecock touching the line will be given the score.


羽毛球专业术语中英文对照表 Terms of Badminton

羽毛球的发展 The development of badminton

In 1877, the first badminton competition rules published in the United Kingdom.

In 1893, the British set up the world's first badminton association. In 1899, the association held the first "All-England Badminton Championships", an annual event that has followed.

Badminton movement from Scandinavia to the countries of the Commonwealth, in the early 20th century spread to Asia, the Americas, Oceania, Africa reached the final.

In 1934, established the International Badminton Federation, based in London.

1939 International Badminton Federation adopted the Member States to abide by the "rules of badminton competition."

1920s to 40 countries in Europe and the United States during the development of badminton movement quickly, the United Kingdom, Denmark, the United States, Canada, a very high level. 50's badminton developed very rapidly in Asia, Malaysia made two Thomas Cup championship. At the same time, Indonesia team in the technology and innovation on the play quickly made hegemony. In the 1960s after the development of badminton sport in Asia gradually be extended.

May 1981 International Badminton Federation to regain the IBF in China's legitimate seat, from the international badminton open a new page in history, entered the Chinese badminton players rule the roost in the world the glory of the times.

In the 1988 Seoul Olympics, badminton is classified as performing, in 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games as an official event, the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games as the mixed doubles event. Since then, badminton campaign entered a new period of development.

In 2006, on a trial basis in the three months of badminton after the new rules into effect. In that year, Tom, first of all use of race Youbei.


 在 羽毛球 国际赛事中英语都是作为官方语言使用,而无论业余或专业赛事也会用到很多专业术语,爱羽客为您精心整理了羽毛球专业术语中英文对照表,看看作为球迷的您了解多少。以下是我整理的羽毛球专业术语中英文对照表 Terms of Badminton,欢迎阅读。

 羽毛球专业术语中英文对照表 Terms of Badminton

  Badminton 羽毛球(运动)


 Racket, bat球拍

 racket head 球拍前部(包括拍框和拍面)

 face of racket, racket face 拍面

 frame of racket 拍框

 handle of racket 拍柄

 shaft 拍杆

 throat 拍颈

 shuttle, shuttlecock羽毛球

 feather 羽毛

 cork base 球托(羽毛球的软木部分)

 crown of feathers 羽毛圈(羽毛球的羽毛部分)

 broken shuttle 坏球

 plastic shuttle 塑料羽毛球



 court 球场

 combination court 单打、双打合用的球场

 doubles court 双打球场

 singles court 单打球场

 backcourt 后场

 backcourt player 后场球员

 forecourt 前场

 forecourt player 前场球员

 singles service court 单打发球区

 doubles service court 双打发球区

 service court 发球区

 left court 左场区

 left service court 左发球区

 right court 右场区

 right service court 右发球区

 alley 单打线和双打线之间的细长地带

 back alley 单打端线和双打端线之间的细长地带


 back boundary line, backcourt boundary端线(单打后发球线)

 base line 端线

 centre line, mid court line 中线

 side line, side boundary line 边线

 inside side line (单双打线都有的场地)单打边线

 outside side line (单双打线都有的场地)双打边线

 corners of backcourt 后场两角

 doubles service line 双打发球线

 front service line, short service line 前发球线

 rear service line, long service line (双打)后发球线

 net post 网柱

 net tape, white tape, band网顶白布条



 forehand 正拍

 backhand 反拍

 grip 握拍法

 backhand grip 反手握法

 forehand grip 正手握拍法


 backswing 往后撤拍(准备击球)

 deception 假动作

 preliminary feint (发球时的)假动作

 delivery of service 发球动作

 full strike 全力击球

 full swing 全力挥拍

 high backhand stroke 上手反拍击球

 overhand stroke 上手击球(高于头顶的击球)

 overhead stroke 打头顶球(位于头顶的击球)

 round-the-head stroke 绕头顶击球

 shoulder-high drive 与肩齐高的平抽球

 side-arm stroke 侧手球(回击位于身体侧面的球)

 underhand stroke 低手击球

 strike 击(球)

 intercept 截击

 cut 切球

 smash 杀球

 Forehand smash正手杀球

 Backhand smash反手杀球

 Around the head smash过顶杀球

 consecutive kill连续扣杀



 retrieve 救球

 rushing ①冲上网②扑球

 sliding step 滑步


 Drop shot 吊球

 Drive 平击球、平抽球

 Net play 网前击球(技术)

 Net shot网前放小球、网前搓球

 Net Kill 网前扑球

 Net Lift网前挑球(推后场)

 clear 平高球

 high clear 高远球

 cross-court 斜线球

 deep shot 深球(打到对方底线附近的球)

 drive 平抽球

 driven clear 平抽高球

 drop shot 吊网前球

 lift 近网挑球

 hairpin shot ?夹发针?球(在网前贴近地面的轻挑短球)

 low shot 低平球

 straight 直线球

 descent (球)下降

 flight (球)飞行


 High serve发高球

 Deep high service, long high service发高远球

 Low serve 发小球

 Short low service 发短低球(刚到前发球线的小球)

 Flick serve 发平高球(比高远球要低些,比低平球要高些)

 Drive serve, flat service发低平球(比平高球要低些)

 serve deep 发深球(发至后场的球)

 long service 发远球(发至后场的球)

 return of service 接发球

 4、 其它

 abnormal flight (球)飞行不正常

 accuracy of placement 落点的准确性

 miss 击球未中

 IV. 战术用语

 front and back (双打)前后站位打法(常用于混双)

 rotation system (双打)轮转配合打法

 half-court shot 半场球(对付前后站位防守的打法)

 defense and fight back防守反击

 net game 网前打法

 net play 网前打法

 pairing (双打) 配对

 partner (双打)同伴

 players? positions 队员方位

 V. 规则用语

 1、 一般规则

 game 局(一般一场比赛有三局)

 game point 局点

 match 场

 match point 场点、赛点(三局两胜制比赛的决胜球)

 linesman 司线员

 referee 裁判员

 service judge 发球裁判员

 mixed double混合双打

 men?s singles男单

 men?s doubles男双

 women?s singles女单

 women?s doubles女双


 Change the server, alternate in serving 换发球

 change courts 交换场地

 change service courts 互换左右发球区,互换方位

 choice of court ends or service 选择场地或发球权

 odd number of points 单数分数

 even number of points 双数分数

 order of service 发球次序

 ?Love all ,play! 零比零,开始比赛!?

 ?Set 2 points! 再赛两分!?

 Ace, service ace 发球得分

 deuce 局末平分(如男子单打的13平)



 receiving side 接发球一方

 second server (旧规则的双打)第二发球

 ?Service over!? (单打)换发球


 racket head above the hand 拍框上沿高于手(发球犯规)

 serving above the waist 高于腰部的发球(发球犯规)

 serve from the wrong-service court 发球站错方位

 short (发球时的)短球

 touch the net 触网

 unclean hit 有拖带动作的击球

 double hit

 fault ①失误②犯规

 faulty serving 发球违例

 foul hit 击球犯规

 out of position 站错位

 good return 合法还击

 good service 合法发球

 score cancelled 得分无效

你好。谢谢采纳。 The Badminton that we know of today was begun in England. In 1873, the Englishman Beaufort from a town called Badminton discovered the game by chance; which explained why the game was named Badminton. The Badminton court is rectangular in shape, marked with various 4mm width lines, the centre of the court is a net at 1.55 meters height. The full length of the court is 13.4 meters, the width for a doubles game is 6.10 meters while for singles play is 5.18 meters. In singles play, there are two boundary lines at each side, the inner line of the boundary line is meant for the singles game. At the back of the court of each side, there are two lines; the outer line is the singles play boundary line. If the server stands in the left service court, he/she has to make sure the shuttlecock reach the opponents’ right service court. Should the shuttlecock failed to pass over the short service line on the opponents’ court, the shuttlecock pass over the back boundary line, or the shuttlecock fall into the wrong side of court, the service will count as a fault. Likewise, if the shuttlecock failed to pass over the net will also be considered a fault. Besides, the shuttlecock touching the line will be given the score.
