







有关古奥林匹克运动会的历史源头已经不可考,但是有些神话和传说流传下来。珀罗普斯是奥林匹亚的国王,也是以他的名字命名的伯罗奔尼撒半岛的英雄。 奥林匹克运动会在举行时向他供奉。基督徒亚历山太的革利免声称:“奥林匹克运动会只是供奉珀罗普斯的献祭活动”。



The historical origin of the ancient Olympic Games can not be ascertained, but some myths and legends he been passed down.

Peropus was the king of Olympia and the hero of the Peloponnesian Peninsula named after him. The Olympic Games were held in honour of him. Christian Alexander's Clemens claimed that "the Olympic Games are only a sacrifice to Peropus".

This myth describes how Pelops, with the help of his old lover Poseidon, defeated King Oenomaus and married Hippodamia, Oenomaus's daughter. This myth is also related to the decline of the Atrus family and the suffering of Oedipus.















Sports A group of modern international athletic contests held every four years in a different city.Also called Olympics

体育运动 奥林匹克运动会:每四年在不同城市举办的国际多项目体育比赛也作 Olympics

A Pan-Hellenic festival in ancient Greece consisting of athletic games and contests of choral poetry and dance, first celebrated in 776 b.c. and held periodically until a.d. 393 on the plain of Olympia in honor of the Olympian Zeus. Also called Olympian games

泛希腊奥林匹克竞赛会:古希腊为对奥林匹亚宙斯表示尊敬而在奥林匹亚平原上举行的泛希腊竞赛节日,内容包括体育比赛、唱诗赛和跳舞比赛,第一次竞赛会是在公元前 776年举行,一直延续到 公元后 293年 也作 Olympian games

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April 6, 1896, was definitely a day to remember. King George I of Greece announced the opening of the first International Olympic Games in Athens. A total of 245 athletes from 14 nations competed in the ancient Panathenaic stadium.

In this first modern Games, the winner was awarded a silver medal. The second athlete was given a bronze medal while the third athlete received nothing.

The man who re-introduced the Olympic Games to the modern world was Baron Pierre de Coubertin (1863-1937) of France. He was enthusiastic about the Games because he thought they were similar to the French education system, which combined moral and social education in school games.

He trelled the world to gather support for his dream to he countries come together in the name of sport. "The important thing in life is not the victory but competing; the main thing is not to he won but to he fought well," he said.

Coubertin held an international meeting in Paris in 1894 and established the International Olympic Committee. Two years later his ideal — bringing together the youth of the world in a friendly competition - became a reality at the first celebration of the modern Olympic Games.

From the start of the modern Olympics, male athletes of every race, religion, and nationality he been allowed to participate.

No women competed in 1896. A few female golfers and tennis players were allowed to take part in the 1900 Games. Female gymnasts and track-and-field athletes first competed at the 1928 Games. Women's Olympic sports he grown hugely since then. Today women make up about half of the total number of compes.

This has not been the only change. Figure skating was part of the Summer Games of 1908 and 1920, and ice hockey was played in 1920. They then became part of the Winter Olympics, which was first held in 1924 in France.

Although founded to help world peace, the modern Olympic Games sometimes become a stage for political arguments. The most controversial Olympics were the Berlin Games of 1936. Under the rule of the Nazis, German Jewish athletes were banned from the German team.

The Olympic Games were interrupted twice during the First and Second World Wars. The event was not held in 1916, 1940 and 1944.




法国人巴隆·皮耶尔·德·顾拜旦 (1863-1937)将奥运会重新引入了现代世界。他之所以对奥运会热情很高,是因为他觉得奥运会与法国的学校教育具有相通之处,两者都将道德教育和社会教育融入到运动会之中。









The Olympic Games


No one knows exactly how far back the Olympic Games go,but some historic records say they began in 776 BC.


In ancient Greece sports played a very important part in the life of the people.


The Greeks held Olympic Games on the plain by Mount Olympus.


As the time passed,the Olympic Games gradually became an international event.


After a long history of about 1200 years the Olympic Games were stpped.


The Games were Started again in 1896 in Athens.


59 athletes from 10 countries took part in the event.


In times of peace the Games take place every four years and are held in different countries in turn.


The host country provides stadiums,swimming pools,food and living rooms.


Usually a famous athlete from the host country passes a torch to the stadium at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.


The well-known Olympic flag is white with five connected rings in the center with colors:blue,yellow,black,green and red.


It represents the uniting of all the five continents.


The Olympic Games he a spirit of understanding,friendship and fair play between the Nations.


Athletes from different countries play games together and this provides them with good Chances to learn to live together.


The friendly feelings in the Olympic Village make people think of the as one big family.




帮你找了一篇有关Olympic Games的介绍,难度适中,希望我的回答对你有所帮助!^_^

Olympic Games

Every four years, athletes from around the world come together to compete in the Olympic Games. Do you know why this event is called the Olympics? The games were first held at Olympia in ancient Greece. The ancient Olympic Games honored the Greek god Zeus. Today, the Olympic Games are held in different cities around the world.


We know that the ancient Olympics began as far back as 776 bc. That’s when the Greeks began keeping records of the winners. The ancient Games continued until about ad 392, more than 1,000 years!

Athletes came from cities throughout Greece to compete in races, boxing and wrestling matches, gymnastics, and weightlifting. They also threw spears, hurled a discus (bronze disk), and jumped for distance. Wealthy Greeks raced their horses. Winners were crowned with wreaths of olive or palm lees.

The ancient Olympic Games were not just a sporting event, however. There were competitions in poetry, music, speechmaking, and other arts as well.

At the beginning and end of the Games, animals were sacrificed (killed and offered) to Zeus. A splendid temple was built at Olympia in Zeus’s honor. When people stopped worshiping the Greek gods, the Olympic Games were canceled.


The Olympic Games were brought back in 1896. The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, the capital of Greece. Only nine countries participated in the first Games, and all the athletes were male.

Today, some 10,000 athletes compete in the Olympic Games, and nearly half of them are female. They represent about 200 nations.

At first, the modern Olympics included only summer sports, such as swimming, rowing, and track and field. Figure skating was added in 1908, and ice hockey in 1920.

The first winter Olympic Games were held in 1924. More winter sports were later added to the Winter Games, including downhill skiing, bobsledding, and ski jumping. Snowboarding and freestyle skiing followed in the 1990s.

From 1924 through 1992, the Winter Games and the Summer Games took place in the same year. After 1992, the next Winter Games were moved up two years, to 1994. Winter Games and Summer Games now occur two years apart. Each of these Games takes place every four years.


After each Olympic event, medals are awarded to the compes who finish in first, second, and third place. First-place winners receive a gold medal. Those who finish in second place receive a silver medal, and those in third place, a bronze medal.

Olympic athletes often dazzle the world. In 1912, Jim Thorpe of the United States won the gold medal for two of the most difficult contests in track and field: the pentathlon, which consists of five different events, and the decathlon, which consists of ten events. Thorpe is still the only athlete to he won the pentathlon and decathlon at the same Olympics.

In 1932, Babe Didrikson of the United States became the only Olympic athlete ever to win medals in separate running, jumping, and throwing events. Four years later, African American track star Jesse Owens won four gold medals.

During the 10s, the thrilling performances of Olga Korbut of the Soviet Union and Nadia Comaneci of Romania inspired a generation of girls to take up gymnastics. Also in the 10s, American Mark Spitz amazed the world by winning a total of seven gold medals in swimming. In the 1980s and 1990s, Carl Lewis of the United States won a total of nine Olympic gold medals in track-and-field events. Sarah Hughes charmed audiences as she skated her way to a gold medal at the 2002 Winter Olympics. The star of the Summer Olympics in 2004 was American swimmer Michael Phelps, who won a total of eight medals.






 The WTO(World Trade Organization), established on January 1,1995,aims to ensure a stable trade and economic world environment. The WTO is an association of 158 member countries,of more than 190 countries in the world today.The WTO is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations.The business of the WTO should be of interest to US because the rules that are being decided therein he an impact on our national economy,and people’s lives.



 奥运会是国际性的体育盛会(sporting events),体育项目种类繁多,分为夏冬两季,均是每4年举办一次。最初有记载的奥运会于公元前776年在希腊的奥林匹亚(Olympia)举行。奥运会是最大的媒体活动之一。2000年悉尼奥运会上,有超过1.6万名播音员和新闻记者参与报道。据估计,有38亿观众通过电视收看了此届盛会。然而,奥运会的发展也是奥运会面临的一个大问题。


 The Olympic Games are an international multi—sport event subdivided into summer and winter

 sporting events.The summer and winter games are each held every four years. The original Olympic Games were first recorded in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece.The Olympics are one of the largest media events. In Sydney in 2000 there were more than 16,000 broadcasters and journalists,and an estimated 3.8 billion viewers watched the games on television. However,the development of the Olympics is one of the largest problems the Olympics face today.

Of the Olympic symbols (Olympic Logo/Symbole Olympique/Olympic Rings) by Mr Pierre DE coubertin in 1913 conceptual design, is determined by the Olympic charter, also known as the Olympic Rings Logo, it is the world's most widely cognitive Olympic games Logo. It is composed of five Olympic rings socket, there are blue, yellow, black, green and red five kinds of color. Ring from left to right, each socket, the above is blue, black and red rings, below are yellow, green ring. The whole plastic for a small rules at the bottom of the ladder.

The Olympic Games originated from ancient Greece, ancient Greece is a myth kingdom, about the origin of the Olympic Games, nature and mythology, folklore is inseparable.

About the legend of the origin of the ancient Olympic Games, there are many, the main has the following two kinds: one is the ancient Olympic Games was held on a regular basis for sacrifice Zeus sport activities. Another kind of legend and Zeus's son hercules. Hercules by his great strength and clinking "hercules" laudatory name. He accomplished the impossible in elis polis, less than half a day time then cleaned the king with cow dung in the bullpen, but the king didn't want to fulfill the promise to give three hundred head of cattle, in hercules flay away the king. In order to celebrate the victory, he held a sports meeting at Olympia.

The story about the origin of ancient Olympic Games the most popular is the story of the ms pelosi at staples and wed. The king of elis in ancient Greece in order to give her daughter to pick a military both xu, persons must play their chariots are put forward. Game, there are thir young died under the king's spear, and 14 junior is the son of Zeus and princess sweetheart pelosi staples. In the light of love, he accepted the king's challenge brely, finally win by wisdom. In order to celebrate the victory, pelosi staples and princess temple gate of Zeus in Olympia held a grand wedding, arranged at the meeting the chariots, pancratium match, this is the first ancient Olympic Games, ms pelosi's became the legendary founder of the ancient Olympic Games.

In fact, the origin of the Olympic Games is closely related to the social conditions of ancient Greece. Nine to the 8th century BC, Greece clan society gradually disintegrated, the city-state system's sle society formed gradually, has established more than two hundred city-state. Polis fragmented, without a unified monarchy, between the city-state wars. To cope with the war, the city actively training soldiers. Sparta city-state children raised by the state since the age of seven, and engaged in sports, military training, military life. War needs soldiers, soldiers need strong body, and sports is to develop the powerful tools for the effective soldiers. War promoted the Greek sports development, the ancient Olympic Games also he obvious military brand.

Continuous war makes people feel disgusted, generally eager to he a rely on to recuperate environment of peace. Later, the king and the Erie, Sparta king signed "sacred truce month" treaty. So, to be men of military training and sports competition, gradually become of peace and friendship games.


奥林匹克标志 (Olympic Logo /Symbole Olympique/Olympic Rings)是由皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦先生于1913年构思设计的,是由《奥林匹克宪章》确定的,也被称为奥运五环标志,它是世界范围内最为人们广泛认知的奥林匹克运动会标志。它由5个奥林匹克环套接组成,有蓝、黄、黑、绿、红5种颜色。环从左到右互相套接,上面是蓝、黑、红环,下面是是黄、绿环。整个造形为一个底部小的规则梯形。  古希腊是一个神话王国,优美动人的神话故事和曲折离奇的民间传说,为古奥运会的起源蒙上一层神秘的色彩。有关古代奥运会的起源的传说有很多,最主要的有以下两种:一是古代奥林匹克运动会是为祭祀宙斯而定期举行的体育竞技活动。古代奥林匹克运动会是一种运动和宗教性的庆典。从公元前776年至公元393年它一直在古希腊城市奥林匹亚举行,在那里曾举行了292届古代奥林匹克运动会。  另一种传说与宙斯的儿子赫拉克勒斯有关。赫拉克勒斯因力大无比获“大力神”的美称。